Category: Uncategorized

Server Update

Since the last posting the server has been upgraded is quite a few ways, the processor is now a 8 core xeon E31245 @ 3.30GHz. The amount of storage has increased as well. It also lives a new case allowing for more drives to be added.

Server Upgrade

Upgraded the machine from Centos 7 to version 8. Nearly everything updated 🙂

Server upgrade (again)

Upgraded the server hosting this website, gone from a dual core xeon 2.80 GHz to a i5-3470T CPU @ 2.90GHz (quad core). Also changed the hard disk to 8 TB drive. Broadband connection has finally settled to 70 megs down, 20 megs up.

Faster Connection

Got fibre sorted. Currently 66 megs down, 20 up. Not too bad seeing i’m 400 metres from the cabinet 🙂

moved house, slightly slower at the moment

Moved house a while ago, went from a 80/20 connection to 18/10, 5/.30 for a month. Currently on 60/20 waiting for an upgrade to


Successfully updated the server, now has an extra 500 gigs of storage 🙂


SSL enabled

Site is now ssl enabled so will now work 🙂

WordPress 4.0 upgrade

Upgraded my wordpress installation to 4.0, no problems whatsoever 🙂  wahoo

Austria trip

Here are a few pictures from the week i spent in Austria when Jason and Sue got married


website ip address switch

moved the website from my 40/10 connection to my newer 80/20 connection 🙂

WordPress Themes